Resin Bound Knowledge Base
Resin Bound Knowledge Base
Technical Terminology
SG: The SG (specific gravity/relative density) is the ratio of the aggregate density (ρ) to the density of a reference substance and is required to calculate the coverage rates.
Volume: The volume (V ) of the aggregate is the space that 1kg occupies and is shown in cm³.
Coverage: The coverage rate is the quantity of resin and aggregate required to cover a specific area at a specific depth. We show the coverage rate as the number of square meters that can be filled when a single (100kg) resin/aggregate mix is applied at a 20mm depth.
Strength: The strength shows the force (Newtons) that is required to break the surface.
0 to 599 (Low strength) – Not suitable for exterior surfacing (Filler only)
600 to 1199 (Medium strength) – Not suitable for vehicular traffic (Foot paths & gardens)
1200 to 1499 (High strength) – Suitable for domestic (Class A to B) vehicles (Domestic driveways)
1500 to 2000 (Very High Strength) – Suitable for all (Class BE to C1) vehicles (Access roads & commercial property)
Hardness: The hardness of our aggregates is measured using the Mohs scale. A result greater than 6 Mohs is sufficiently high enough to be used in a resin bound system.
Deflection: The deflection is the number of millimetres the cured system will bend before breaking. A hard base such as concrete will not require a high deflection however a softer bitumen base will require a higher deflection.
Smoothing: The ability of our aggregates to wear is measured using the PSV (Polished stone value) scale. A rating greater than 30 is sufficiently high enough to be used in a resin bound system. A rating greater than 50 will provide anti-slip properties.
Porosity: The porosity (permeability) is the measure of how the surface transmits liquids. All of the StarScape approved aggregate blends are highly porous and allow for water to pass through at a rate that exceeds 1,000 litres per square meter every minute.
Oxidation: When iron reacts with oxygen it forms a chemical called hydrated iron oxide (rust) because it has been oxidized (the iron has lost some electrons) and the oxygen has been reduced (the oxygen has gained some electrons).
Whitening/Blooming: Whitening or blooming refers to the surface of a resin bound application turning pale or white after full cure. This is often (not always) a result of moisture entering the uncured resin/aggregate mix. The ability and method of repair are dependant on the severity and cause of the blooming.