Resin Bound Knowledge Base
Resin Bound Knowledge Base
Suitability: Is a resin bound system the correct product for specific applications?
Specification: Information covering the initial survey to suitability of base courses.
Materials: This section covers aggregate selection, performance and the equipment required.
Preparation: Prior to installation this section covers scheduling, team work and final checks.
Installation: This covers the process from mixing to cure times.
Information: Useful information covering Overlays, SuDS, UV stability and whitening/blooming.
FAQ: The most commonly asked questions from customers and installers.
Technical: An explanation of the technical terms used in the resin bound industry.
Glossary: An alphabetical glossary of the words used in the decorative resin surfacing industry.
Calculators: A selection of useful online tools and calculators.
Welcome to Star Uretech’s Resin Bound Knowledge Base. Here you will find accurate, in-depth information covering all aspects of resin bound chemistry, application, performance and specification. Star Uretech specialise in the formulation, manufacture and supply of resin bound and bonded surfacing. In order to make specific information easier to access we have created eight sections covering:
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Product Suitability
Technical Terms